
About My Upcoming Book



Q. What’s its title?

A. My novel is called Janus.

Q. Where is the setting for the action?

A. Israel and England.

Q. How long did the book take to write?

A. Years. Ideas germinated while I developed plot threads and carried out research. My interest in software development meant much of my story seemed far-fetched until the advent of cyber-terrorism and cyber-warfare. The background of continuing conflict in the Middle East provided a springboard for a novel about cyber-terrorism and treachery.

Q. What about the writing process?

A. I developed a curious sense of urgency as I wrote Janus. Fictitious events began to resonate with real life happenings. The novel demanded to be finished.

Q. What are the themes?

A. Although we live in the cyber-age, human nature doesn’t change. Often, when going about our daily business, we meet characters Chaucer described. The themes in Janus reflect the human condition: love, loss, betrayal, revenge, avarice … but most of all, power. Power comes in many forms and is a neutral force, like the internet. How we choose to exercise power is another matter. The power of self-control is a strong theme in Janus; an ability that humans so often lack, especially when viewed in a global context.

Q. What is the plot?

A. Without giving a “spoiler” for what is essentially a suspense thriller, the plot is about a Mossad agent’s quest to clear the name of her dead lover. Haunted by his assassination, she seeks facts and revenge; events lead her to England, where her beliefs and prejudices are challenged. Assumptions and false trails mask a truth that, when revealed, has been darkened by the misuse of power. As the plot unfolds, the protagonist must learn to shed attachment, gain the power of self-control, and emerge from the shadows of her past.

Q. What next?

A. As Janus progressed, I realized my initial idea could be developed into a second or maybe a series of novels with the same protagonist. Perhaps in other settings, certainly with different quests - world events change constantly - but utilizing the strong female character of Mossad agent Major Sarah Elim. Who knows - I might even promote her!